
Friday, September 02, 2011

End of the Summer

It's the Friday before labor day weekend. I woke up to a thunderstorm, and that seems to serve as a perfect metaphor for my life right now.
I have so much to do, and it feels like the. World is closing in on me.
I desperately need to shampoo my carpets, but the rug shampoo machine is too heavy & awkward for me to carry up by myself.
My house is a Hot mess right now, rather like me. My stress level has been on 11 (ever see the movie spinal tap? It's a reference) lately, and quite frankly, I'm a bit tired of micromanaging the world.
I havent been working out as much as I'd like to because of putting out fires all the time. I have been eating somewhat healthy, so that's been ok, but without the exercise I don't feel as good.
I also got a makeover at Sephora which will be featured in another article. It was a bit inspirational & kicked off the need to find beauty in my life.
Humpy has returned, but on the other side, so it will soon be another round of doctors, etc.
I'm tired & I need rest.
I didn't read any beach books this summer. Actually, I didn't read much period, outside of twitter feeds & gossip sites & magazines. No attention span, quite frankly.
I'm way behind on housework, me work, life work.
I've made the realization that there's a lot of toxicity in my life, and I'm so run down right now that I'm not quite sure how to eliminate it.
So, over the course of the next few days, I am going to recharge my batteries.
Thinking of enjoying some end of the summer bounty with squashes.
Steam cleaning my carpets
Catching up on housework
Getting back in the exercise habit
It's the end of the summer, and I'm looking forward to the promise of a new season.

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