
Thursday, September 08, 2011

I thank you

I'm still working on my attitude of gratitude. To be perfectly honest, I'm struggling. Believe me, I am incredibly grateful for all the blessings in my life.
That being said, parenting is wearing me down. Having a teenager on a good day is hard. Having one that essentially is a total stranger in your home is virtually impossible some days. We don't know each other, quite frankly, and there are the issues of day to day living that suck the energy out of the room, leaving precious little time for much else. This too shall pass, but in the meantime, the joy and peace and bliss I've so struggled to develop has fallen by the wayside.
I've been at this crossroad before, sometimes making a better pathway choice.
Sometimes I wonder, a la sliding doors, what my life would be like if I had chosen certain paths.
Would I have ever met the big man?
Would I be married at all?
Skinny or fat?
Urban, country or suburbia?
But I made the journey that brought me here; where I am today. Those choices are what made me the woman I am. Those choices are what led me to this very spot on my sofa, in those moments before sunrise, while I drink my coffee & watch mike & mike, writing a blog post on my phone & attempting motivation to work out.
Everything is a choice.
I remember back to the early days with the little man, when sleep was a fantasy, due to bizarre sleep habits he had. I remember days second guessing myself and wondering what had we done???
Today, those are all distant memories, and it's like he has always lived with us. Time does heal all wounds, big and small.
So, I am grateful for all the blessings in my life. It's hardest to verbalize it when you're treading water, but it's there. And for that, I thank you.

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