
Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Keep on running

I have been running since I was in high school. I used to love the solitude of it, but as I got older and more creaky, it hurts a lot more than it used to. Add to it the fact that I am much bigger than I was in high school, and its hard to move let alone run. My husband’s cousin Dana runs marathons, and when I am training for my little 5k, I think of her running 26.2 miles like its nothing.
I actually have a love hate relationship with running. When I'm in shape, I love it, especially this time of year. I used to particularly enjoy running in Princeton with a few friends at lunch, when it was a little bit cold but you could still inhale without it hurting your lungs. I loved the oranges and reds and vibrancy. I liked running past ETS (home of the SAT) on Rosedale Rd. I enjoyed the bit of competitiveness of running with a group but I also enjoy running alone.
I stopped running a lot when I got married. It's not the big Man's fault, it's a choice I made. Back then, he worked crazy hours and whatever time we had together was precious. I chose to spend my time with him rather than running.
I don't get a lot of alone time anymore, since my family continues to expand. My sanity is getting up early, going on the treadmill and right now, walking. Because of the new hernia and where it's located, it hurts to run.
The new hernia showed up sometime in June, about 6 months post op. Right now, I look like I swallowed a basketball. I'm not pleased. Imagine being 9 months pregnant. That is how I feel and look. It's even hard to do yoga, which is breaking my heart entirely.
One day, when I am hernia free, I can seriously start running again. Id love to have the kids join me, and make it a sort of family affair. I'd love to run more 5ks & 10ks. I know I can do it, I've got the drive & determination. Eventually I can work my way up and be like Dana, running the NYC marathon. (she's the gal in the pictures)

One day…

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