
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Forget You

I am going to preface this with saying that my kid is pretty awesome, and I have been incredibly pleased with our school all along.
However, since third grade has started, a kid in my son's class has been picking on him mercilessly. I mean driving my son to tears, picking on him.
The kid called the little man a r*tard.
Hes made fun of him for some of the typical autistic behaviors-his tics.
He even made fun of the fact my son has strasbismus (lazy eye).
Sorry but in my opinion he's bullying my son.
Little Man is the sweetest, most gentle kid who would not deliberately hurt someone else. One of the beautiful things about autism is he is virtually incapable of lying and being mean.
This kid has my son so upset by all this, to the point that he doesn't want to go to school.
I'm heartsick.
Yesterday it all came to a head.
Bully boy was nagging Little Man all day. By the time afternoon recess came about, it had reached the tipping point.
Bully boy pushed little man.
Little man fell to the ground.
Little men hauled off and decked bully boy.
I normally dont advocate violence (that whole turn the other cheek thing) but in this instance, way to go little man!
Its the fact he stood up for himself, not that he hit someone.
They both earned a trip to the principals office. Little man learned his lesson.
Mama bear sprung into action. We have a plan to deal with it and hope that it never happens again.
If it does....well let's just hope I don't have to go all Jersey on them :)

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