
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Bust a Move

Apparently to tendency to treat life like a musical is starting to embarrass my son. Mind you, I dont burst out into spontaneous song and dance in public (often), just to make him want to run and hide, there's usually a very good reason.
1. The Muzak in the locale where we are inspires me to sing and/or dance. There are some songs that you can't NOT sing along with. For example the na-na-na of hey Jude

2. I am trying to prove a point. Sometimes a soft shoe is great punctuation.

Maybe not so much in target, but I digress...

3. Admit it: it's a spring or summer rainstorm, you're tempted to jump in a puddle and imagine you are Gene Kelly

4. There are times when a song may be appropriate. I still tend to sing the clean up song when we are cleaning up, which used to be motivating...

5. I like to use theme music when I'm cooking. For example, if its Italian, it's opera.

Besides wouldn't life be grand if we could just bust a move all the time like in Bollywood?

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