
Friday, March 09, 2012

Scissor Runner

I have once again signed up to run in the Race Against Breast Cancer 5k, which is happening on May 12. The race is about 10 weeks away, which is more than enough time to complete the Couch to 5k training program ( I've used it before, and it's really successful.
What would be even better would be if I continued to run between 5k training sessions each year, but that's trivial.
Or is it?
I've been doing a lot of thinking lately about how I dishonor my body a lot, despite my best intentions. I have abused it through poor eating, not getting enough rest or exercise and just not being my best. In 1 Corinthians 6, Paul wrote:
Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.
How am I honoring my body by eating healthy and exercising and resting?
I have to admit that I've hit a bit of a wall in the last year. I was doing great post op, which coming off that surgery was no minuscule task. I had a 19 inch incision, I lost a ton of weight, I worked out like a mad woman and really focused on my health. Then, as the stress piled on, I lost it. I began to backslide and let poor, bad habits take hold. It's easier to hit the drive through than plan meals.
I was not treating my body as a temple.
Fast forward a year later. All the progress I made I lost, and then some.
I have 9-10 weeks to get up off the couch, onto the treadmill and start training. I have less than 3 months to get ready for this race.
I need to become deviant (in a good way) in order to be as successful as I like to be. It involves me eating healthy food that will fuel my (& my families) body; it involves me getting my butt on the treadmill 3 times a week (and off Pinterest) to run. It involves me "lifting weights" to build muscle. It involves me doing Pilates to develop core strength that was lost through 2 abdominal surgeries. It involves adding activity back into my life versus sitting on the couch.
It involves me treating my body like a temple.
Like Nike's slogan, I need to just do it.

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