
Monday, April 02, 2012

Tighten Up

My friend is a holistic healer. We were visiting the other day, when I mentioned in my personal yoga practice, I'm struggling with certain asanas-like pigeon pose. I also mentioned the fact that I struggle with flexibilty (heck bendability) in my hips. It's hard to get pantyhose on. It hurts to run, and lower body exercises are excruciating.
My fear is that I'm developing arthritis that has plagued my maternal line. My mother is quite literally crippled by it, and it's a fear of mine to wind up the same way. Doctors don't think that it's arthritis, which is a positive.
My friends who are practitioners of various natural, homeopathic and holistic fields all have come to the same conclusion: my sacral chakra is blocked.
Obviously my chakra healing friend told me over tea. Look at your medical history: obesity, reproductive issues, and now this problem with tightness. Add to it the emotional issues (and I thought they were related to surgical menopause!) and it's obvious!
Well, I took it with a grain of salt, but I'm willing to try anything at this point. I want to put on pantyhose painfree. friend wrote out a prescription for me. I need to get to the root of my issue and why my chakra is blocked, which will involve journaling.
I need to do the asanas of cobra and pigeon to release energy.
Crystal healing will help. If I put a crystal on my belly, it should help heal it.
Essential oils like clary sage, jasmine or geranium will help too. Apparently so does drinking raspberry leaf tea.
Meditating on the chakra helps. My friend also suggested this exercise (found at
Sit comfortably, either at a table, or with a book on your lap as you curl up on the couch - and position yourself comfortably enough with your three coloured pencils.
Draw your version of the Sacral Chakra, and use your imagination. You can make it a sun, a flower, a funnel, a face, anything you want. Make it detailed, intricate, but make it a fun rambling picture, where you can experiment with the three colours interacting. Little lines are best, that follow each other like race tracks - but you can experiment with different sizes of lines.
Around this, or in between tiny lines, or big lines, or on lines, wherever your creativity leads you, write 6 things you like about yourself physically.
Write six things you love (could be food, material goods, tv shows, music etc)
Write six things you could do to bring more comfort and sensual pleasure into your life (take up yoga, get heatable slippers, get a massage, eat more healthily but make room for chocolate, etc).
Write six things you like about your personality
Write six of your life accomplishments
Write six words that describe you, positively.
Keep your Chakra for future reference, and you can make a collection of these sunny Sacral Chakras to remind you of your own inner and outer beauty, as well as the beauty of the world around you. Try to do at least two of the things on your list (#5), during the next week or month.

So, I'm willing to try to be able to put on my pantyhose pain free!

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