
Sunday, July 21, 2013


I am not a fan of dentists. It seems that no matter what, when I was growing up, I always had cavities. Luckily, they were in baby teeth, but it scarred me for life. As a result, I've been super conscious about brushing and flossing. The Big Man & i instilled that into our son too. This is why I was so excited to work with Mom it Forward and (
For just $1 a month per family member-for us, it costs $36 a year, less than a night out at the movies-you get a new toothbrush and floss mailed to you. Did you know you're supposed to replace your toothbrush every three months? I did...but have been a little hit or miss about it. I think my family will actually save money this way too. 
Since the Little Man lost his first tooth, he's been very conscious of good oral hygiene. He loves his dentist, but he loves the no cavity prize bucket more. 
While his toothbrush doesn't light up, play music or do other funky does get used. A lot. Plus my kid flosses.
Years of coffee drinking, plus having weak enamel has led me to have not so white teeth. As a result, I never smile with my teeth showing. I've tried other products, but none have really worked, outside of professional tooth whitening. It's a very expensive option, until now.
For $2/month, you can get tooth whitening gel (if you need a tray you can order them too) and have an amazing smile.

If you want to win a years subscription, sign up below!

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