
Friday, August 15, 2014

That's what friends are for

I'm very blessed to have some really amazing ladies in my life.
Unfortunately, none of them live here in South Dakota. Making friends as an adult is HARD. ,y husband has a crazy work schedule, so it's hard to do girls night out. It's hard to have friends over too. Being an autism mommy is a challenge too, because a lot of others dont understand how I can't just hire a sitter and go out.
Thankfully, there's Facebook.
My BFF Jeninne and I have known each other since our days at bonneville junior high in Salt Lake City. We've been through ups, downs and sideways through the years. Even though we hardly ever see each other, I know she's got my back and I've got hers. She's truly a sister to me.
My other BFF is Christina. We became friends thanks to working together in college radio. She helped me celebrate two amazing birthdays (including the best 25th a girl could ask for) with awesome parties. As we've grown up, we've shared weddings and motherhood together. 
I'm really fortunate. My two sisters in law welcomed me to the family two decades ago, and have been supportive and loving ever since. I know a lot of folks who don't like their in laws. Not me! I miss hanging out, going to lunch or shopping with them.
Despite the miles between us, I know these lovely ladies have my back. That's what friends are for.

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