
Monday, October 06, 2014

Whisper to a Scream

Have you ever had a weird thought pop into your head, then something related to it happens? Or thought of someone you haven’t spoken to in eons and then they call? Or the little voice in your head telling to or not do something?

Some people attribute these to coincidence. Others call it clairaudience. According the definition, it is receiving messages in thought form from another frequency or realm. Sometimes its hearing voices, like Joan of Arc. I like to think of it as heightened hearing. Some of the characteristics are if you are an auditory learner (you learn best or retain more material when it is spoken to you), if you can easily identify other’s voices or sounds, or if you ideas pop into your head as if someone was speaking to you in your mind. These seem to happen to me the most when I am meditating or just about to fall asleep. It’s like my brain (or spirit guides) want to tease me by giving me brilliant ideas as I fall asleep…and then not remember them in the morning. Sometimes, I swear I am hearing conversations that others are having-like I am tuning into a radio station or something. Some people consider it your brain shutting down to go to sleep, others say you are tuning into the astral plane.   It’s something that I have dealt with from the time I was a small child. As I got into my teen years, I tried to ignore it, but never could completely. Now that I am middle aged, I am starting to really appreciate it. It has been incredibly beneficial as a writer for me.  In fact, many writers consider themselves to be clairaudient-they can hear actual conversations their characters are having in their heads.  

I need to clarify that this is not the same as when schizophrenics “hear voices”. You are able to distinguish reality and you are not hallucinating. Unfortunately, in many instances, if you tell someone that you hear voices, they assume it is a mental illness. It is my opinion that many don’t admit to being clairaudient out of fear they will be branded “crazy”.

Every so often, I will wake up with a start, swearing I heard a loud bang or doorbell ringing. The weirdest was when I did not have a doorbell and I still heard it. It was clear as day, and I got woken up out of one of those blissful Sunday afternoon naps…and the doorbell (which didn’t exist at that house)rang. It happened going on nearly 15 years ago, and I still remember it clearly. I have no rational explanation for it. I have been told it is clairaudience, but I am not completely convinced. The weird part is this has also happened to both my mother and grandmother-and it weirded them out enough to talk about it as well.  

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