
Monday, October 20, 2014

Your Cheating Heart

One of the most esoteric and challenging yama is brahamcharya, or chastity. Some people look at only one aspect of it, and fail to see the bigger picture. For me, it’s a conservation of energy. One should not waste time and energy on things that don’t serve us. Instead, we should use it for the greater good of ourselves (and the universe!) Its all about balance, which is living life both on and off the mat.

I have struggled with this particular yama for a very long time. I looked at it only as not cheating others, but once I included myself in it, it clicked. By using time sucks-for me things like Facebook and Pinterest-I am wasting energy. It could be energy I could use to play with my son or do a craft project or (gasp!) work out.

One of my biggest energy wasters has been in relation to keeping people in my life for far longer than I should have. I was faithful to the end for these friendships and relationships, but it didn’t serve a greater good. I put my energy and love into them, only to feel rejection and pain. Learning that it was ok to release these relationships has made living my yoga so much easier and positive. There is no need to hang onto anything that doesn’t serve your highest and greatest good.

I spent a lot of time cheating myself out of living my best life. Once I began to list things that I truly valued-family, spiritual practices and ritual, healthy foods, exercise, rest, creativity-and put them at the top of the to do list, I began a new healthy relationship with me. I began to let go of the incidentals. I don’t dress to impress anyone else anymore. Its all about me and my comfort. I stopped living in the periphery and moved front and center.

My non-cheating heart will tell on me that I am living a fabulous life.

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