
Monday, November 17, 2014

No More Words

Words have incredible power. My son had limited verbal ability the first few years of his life. When he began speaking shortly after he had ear tubes placed, it was a glorious miracle. He understood how words can change the world. As he has gotten older, and closer to the teenage years, he is learning how sarcasm can have power over whether or not he will be grounded. Words can either hurt or heal.

When we speak, we are sharing our power. If we use positive words, we are sharing positive vibes. Negative words equal negative power. When you constantly say that you don’t have x, doesn’t it seem like that’s all that shows up? It’s the same thing with money. When you go around saying I don’t have enough money, I’m so poor, I’m so broke, blah blah blah you are giving your financial world view negative power. If you go around saying that you’re fat, have no willpower and can’t lose weight-guess what? What you think is what you get.  The Big Man always tells me that he is incredibly practical and a realist (which is most certainly is, to a fault), and doesn’t believe me when I remind him to think positive. I go so far as putting books like the Secret and the Power of Positive Thinking on his nightstand.

I wasn’t born a little ray of sunshine. My grandmother especially, always looked for the other shoe to drop. I remember whenever someone shared good news or a compliment, she would go “tut tut, don’t say that”-basically negating the compliment. That is basically telling God that you don’t want those blessings.  No one in my family of origin is a positive person. To me, it’s exhausting to constantly be looking at the dark side of life. It’s so much easier when you see the good in everyone and everything.

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