
Monday, February 16, 2015

Down to the Water

Cleanliness is next to godliness, at least according to my grama.

I didn’t always live such a clean life either. Back in the day, I partied hardy. I smoke, drank, ate crap and did some things I wasn’t always proud of. Worse yet, I didn’t always have a clean mind-I let the dark outshine the light. I was a slob on a lot of levels. As I’ve gotten older, I have begun to clean things up. I cleaned up my diet-limiting processed foods, going vegan, drinking more water. I cleaned up my lifestyle-no more drinking or smoking, limiting my contact with toxic people. I’m cleaning up my house too-fewer toxic products, decreasing clutter, letting in light.

Many people think eating clean is hard. Its only hard if you let it be. Its less convenient because I need to cook more and put more thought into what I am eating. I can’t just grab fast food, I need to prepare. I eat lots of fruits, vegetables and grains. I drink a lot of fresh juice. I drink mostly water and limit  my caffeine intake. I watch how much salt & sugar are in the foods I consume.

I spend time every day tidying up my house. Once I got things under control, life got easier. I don’t have clutter everywhere. The chi moves freely in my home. There is more abundance.

I have started practicing the habit of ishnaan (hydrotherapy). It’s a cold shower, done in a specific manner. I take a normal shower after I go to the gym at night, so my morning ishnaan is not necessarily about cleaning. It a way to wake up your body and clean out toxins. This practice comes out of the kundalini tradition, and it is a game changer.

I have a pair of white boxers. I massage almond oil on me. I get into a cold shower and do a little wahe guru dance. When I started doing this, I originally was not convinced, but the more I did it, the better I felt. My skin looked better. I didn’t get sick as often. Plus, I was wide awake without chugging copious amounts of caffeine.

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