
Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Angels from the Realms of Glory

Typically, angels are beings of light that have not lived on earth before. (The exceptions are Sandalphon & Metatron). Their role is to uplift, encourage and comfort us when we are in need. some deliver important messages to us, or to facilitate some specific healing we may be in need of. They also provide inspiration in the form of ideas for certain projects we may be here to complete.

Angels love to teach and are brilliant teachers. If you are willing and open to learn, they will teach you. One of the great things about angels is that they never give up. Even if we give up on ourselves, the angels never will. I don’t know where they get the patience from.

In the early stage of teaching you how to communicate, the angels will teach you using trivial things.  The angels use ordinary, everyday things as teaching tools. Don’t over complicate matters. The angels will tell you when to look for meaning.

Angels are very good at giving signs. If you are starting out, ask for a small sign. Keep asking, too. Be alert for signs! A person asking for help may feel a gentle breeze flowing across the room, sometimes coins mysteriously appear, or you'll hear a certain song on the radio. 

Thanks to Doreen Virtue, we have guidelines to help us develop a relationship with the angelic realm:

  • Meditate more often.

  • Curb negative thoughts and words about yourself, others and/or life in general. Stay out of the "poor me" energy loop.

  • Be kind to yourself, others, animals and nature.

  • Forgive.

  • Connect with nature and Mother Earth: trees, the ocean, etc...

  • Work with crystals, flower essencescrystal elixirs andcolor therapy.

  • Get energy work such as Reiki. 

  • Get bodywork such as massage. 

  • Avoid drugs and alcohol.

  • Read books and take classes that seek to enlighten you.

  • Get help from a licensed professional counselor to help you in areas where you are "stuck" in the past.

  • Watch your diet. Too much meat, dairy and chemicals can lower your vibration.

  • Create harmony in your surroundings. Uncluttered your space, play beautiful music, put uplifting colors on the walls, tend to well loved and cared for plants and animal companions.

  • Create harmony in relationships. Try to surround yourself with people who uplift you, not drain you.

  • Ask the angels to help you raise your vibration - they will!

Dear Angels, please surround me with your healing energy, and help me to heal my cravings for unhealthful foods and drinks. Please remove my desire for toxic substances, and help me to have the motivation to live and eat healthfully. Please guide me while shopping, preparing and eating food, and give me guidance about how to live without polluting myself or my world. With great love and gratitude, I thank you.

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