
Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Fly to the Angels

There are at least seven archangels, depending on who you are referencing. Most sources consider eight, possibly nine, with the inclusions of Metatron and Sandalphon. Some consider them to be ascended masters as they were said to have lived as the prophets Enoch and Elijah respectively. I consider Metatron to be an archangel in terms of my belief system. He is considered to be the angel of life, recording our deeds in the Book of Life. Most of our understanding of Metatron, comes from the Kabbalah and the apocryphal Book of Palaces.


Metatron is part of new age philosophy with his cube. It is a figure made of 13 equal circles with lines going from the center of the circle to 12 other circles. It is considered the most sacred piece of sacred geometry and is considered a representation of the tree of life.


Metatron is the angel who holds the link between human and divine. Many go to Metatron for help discovering personal spiritual power. I spend time with him in hopes of making the world a better place and bring glory to God.  


He is the patron for Indigo and Crystal children. Indigos are considered strong willed, headstrong, creative,  probably diagnosed with ADD or ADHD and were born after 1978. Crystals are easy going, most tend to be vegetarian, usually non-verbal until 3 or 4, have issues with chemicals and environmental pollutants, and tend to be placed on the autistic spectrum. Several of my new age friends have told me (one is quite persistent about it) that the Little Man is a Crystal child. Without going into much detail, he and I do have a telepathic type bond (I think all moms develop that, especially living life on the spectrum)

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