Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Cauliflower Rice

Several of my friends are on paleo diets, where they eat like a caveman. That means no grains, dairy or rice. While I don't think I could adhere to it, especially the no soy or grains part, there are some pretty yummy recipes in paleo world. It seems that it's the in thing with a lot of cross fit fanatics, to which I am the antithesis, but it's also bled into both the running and yoga communities.
One recipe that intrigued me was for cauliflower rice.
Rice, made out of....cauliflower???
I love cauliflower, so this sounded great.
And easy too.

You need cauliflower and a cheese grater to make the rice. That's it-you grate the cauliflower and it really does look like white rice.

Now comes the fun part.

You steam it (I found that it gives it the best rice like texture) and then make it the same way you make rice.

I've tried cilantro lime (as in Qdoba or Cafe Rio).
fried rice for Chinese night
With saffron for paella.

I would not recommend it in a casserole with a cream of soup-it's too delicate and you wind up with a mushy mess.

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