Sunday, May 05, 2013

My Old Kentucky Home

Yesterday was the Kentucky Derby. I am not much of a horse racing fan, but I love the Derby. I think it has more to do with the traditions and the fact it's a great excuse to dress up and party! At the Derby, it's all about the food and fashion. That's what it s for us too!

I found some great printables at Hostess with the Mostess ( that I used to decorate.

I made some traditional Derby fare including virgin mint juleps (we don't drink so any non alcoholic choices are appreciated)

1 packet lemonade kool-aid
1 c sugar
2 c water
2 c ginger ale
1 tsp peppermint extract

Mix the lemonade, water, sugar & extract together. Add ginger ale and garnish with mint leaves

Hot Browns are a traditional Derby dinner. While its a long standing recipe, I changed it up a bit for my family's tastes.

1 pkg crescent rolls
1 pkg turkey gravy
1/2 lb turkey breast
6 slices provolone
4 slices bacon, cooked
2 oz cream cheese

Preheat oven to 375. Roll out 1/2 the crescent rolls into the bottom of a baking dish. Layer the turkey, bacon and cheese. Top with gravy, and add the remaining crescents. Add a dollop of cream cheese. Bake for 25 minutes.

It wouldn't be a party without a cake! I made mint julep cake that was super easy.

1 pkg white cake mix
1 c ginger ale
1/2 c peppermint baking chips

Mix together, bake in a 11x9 pan for 30 mins at 350.

I had picked Verazzano to win, but Orb instead ran for the roses the fastest. So, I'm stuck doing dishes! At least ill be doing them in style!

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