Wednesday, June 26, 2013

It is Well

My family has been dealing with several health crisis right now.

My beloved Big Man-who never gets sick-has been battling cellulitis.

My mother is being discharged from the hospital to nursing home rehab.

I'm trying to salvage the summer for my son.

As a caregiver, I have to take care of me so I can take care of them. If I'm not healthy, there are problems. I can't do my job.

In order for me to take care of not only my boys but my mom, I have to put myself first.

Most important is getting a good night's sleep. It's amazing what a difference in perspective it can be.

Eating healthy is super important. It's very easy to grab fast food or hospital cafeteria grub, but planning your meals will make a big difference in energy levels and clarity. Even if you are just making sure you have some healthy snacks, it can make a huge difference.

Stay hydrated! You need to drink water. Despite thinking you need caffeine, limit your soda & coffee intake. Stay away from energy drinks, especially if you are hanging out at the bedside.

Move! Take a walk. Do a few stretches every hour. At home, do yoga. Try to stick to your regular workout schedule.

Do something for you everyday. Just having an enjoyable book or hobby with you can help pass the time. I crochet, which is super portable, and helps pass the time. 

Make sure you're taking care of the basics. To quote Flylady, make sure you're dressed to the shoes. Shower, dress, do your hair and make up. Wear nice others. It's so easy to just wear sweats and look frumpy because you're in crisis.  

Keep up your house. Find ways to maximize. Look for time savers. I can set my washer up to run within a 12 hour time frame, which means I can set it up to wash while I'm sleeping and throw it in the dryer when I get up. Swifter is my best friend-I dry swifter in the morning, wet at night, run around with the duster daily. Swish & swipe your bathroom daily. Make your bed. Pick up every night. 

Surround yourself with a support network. Facebook, Caring Bridge and blogs are all ways to share info quickly to as many as possible. Go out for coffee with your girlfriends. Don't feel guilty either. Just because your loved one is sick doesn't mean you are chained to their bedside. You can go shopping or go to the movies or whatever. If someone volunteers to help you, take them up on their offers. Seriously, just do it.

Pray. Read the scriptures. Journal. Meditate. It will make a difference in how you manage the crisis. It will help clear your head. 

Most important, remember that this is just a blip on the radar of your life. Keep things in perspective. Even if the prognosis is grim, you will make it through to whatever the next stage will be.

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