Friday, July 19, 2013

I am trying to break your heart




Nothing is more heartbreaking than bringing your child to a place that they don’t want to be.

 Since my mother has been ill, my son has had to go to day camp since both the Big Man & I work. Its hard, because he’s starting camp halfway through summer. 

It also is not his cup of tea either. I struggle since he needs to go (he’s too young to stay home by himself) but I don’t like my child crying over the situation either.

What’s a mom to do?


No, I am not bribing my son to go. I am rewarding him for spectacular behavior once he’s there. More screen time. Not having to do one of his Saturday jobs. Getting to stay up a little later. It’s the little things that count right?

I don’t believe in blackmail or bribery, but sometimes you need to give your kiddo a goal to work towards. In the Little Man’s case, his goal is his reward list. 

He needs to have a great day at camp, with a positive attitude, and he can pick a reward. It hasn’t stopped the tears in the morning, but its made it easier for him to transition from the car to camp.


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