Friday, May 23, 2014


When I first started to meditate, I didn't think that it would become a practice I would carry forward throughout my lifetime. In the beginning, it was hard to focus for even a minute, but as time went on, it got easier. I actually look for opportunities to meditate throughout my day now. If I'm in line waiting, I silently chant "sat nam". On the inhale, sat. Exhale-nam. 

Other times, if I'm waiting at the doctor's office or when my son is doing autism therapy (lots of waiting time), I use Om mani padme hum. 
Inhale Om
Exhale mani
Inhale padme
Exhale hum

If I'm stuck in traffic or if I'm really stressed out, I use Om shanti. Shanti is Sanskrit for peace, and it's in those movements I most need it! 
Inhale Om
Exhale shanti
Inhale shanti
Exhale shanti

I can almost immediately feel my stress levels decrease. 

My mother recently had two surgeries
I spent the time in the waiting room, breathing.


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