Sunday, June 08, 2014

Smells Like Teen Spirit

I have had several bad mammograms in a row, requiring additional imaging and follow biopsies and testing. Luckily, nothing has been cancerous, but it’s still very disconcerting. The radiologist who performed my last biopsy strongly suggested that I ditch the commercial deodorant, due to the ingredients. She suggested going natural. This appealed to my hippie dippie sentiments, so I did.

I tried a variety of them, but nothing really worked for me.

I must sweat a lot, especially when I am at the gym.

The crystal didn’t control odor. I tried a few other ones, but I either smelled like I was coming from a grateful dead show, circa 1989 or just smelled.

When the going gets tough, I get crafty.

I made my own deodorant.

In fact, it was super easy. It works, and it smells delicious.


You need:

¼ c Arrowroot powder or cornstarch

¼ c baking soda

¼ c coconut oil

¼ c shea butter

Essential oils


Melt the coconut oil and shea butter together (I did it in the microwave). Add in baking soda and arrowroot. Mix well. It will be a bit of a gloopy mess-that’s ok. It’s not going to look like Secret. Add in your favorite essential oils. I use lavender, frankincense (has antibacterial properties) and a windmere synergy blend.


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