Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Crazy Train

There's a car commercial that uses Crazy Train in it, where there are kids singing it...anyhooo, that is a great analogy for my life right now.
Crazy Train, all aboard!
It's my blogoversary this week. Five whole years. Wowzers.
My whole reason for blogging has been in my life and part of our family for five whole years as of Thursday. It seems like forever. In a good way.
Tonight I teach vegan cooking at the Museum of Visual Materials. It's a pretty fun, easy to prepare menu that's good for you too.
Tomorrow is the last day of school, and I don't know who is more giddy-little man or me! He has a half day, and I'm surprising him by taking a half day off work too!!
Right now I'm on the deck, listening to birds and hanging with the pup. It's a beautiful moment before the chaos kicks back in again.
Rest, breathe, enjoy
Then climb back on board going down the rails.

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