I wear a lot of hats, sometimes not always literally.
I am a mom.
I am a wife.
I work full time and part time
I teach cooking classes
I teach yoga to both adults and children.
I volunteer with a variety of organizations that clothe the naked, feed the hunger and visit the sick and imprisoned.
I am active in PTO (again).
I am a crazy sports nut, fawning over my beloved Mets (baseball), Jets (football), Rangers (hockey), and Jazz (basketball).
I am a girly girl, loving spa time
I am a bibliophile
I have a passion for fashion (just look at my Pinterest board!)
I am a writer
I am a gardner
I am a domestic goddess
I am a crafter
I am a daughter, sister, family member, friend
In other words, I juggle a lot of things. I have lots of balls up in the air at all times. There are times when things fall apart and it takes super glue to hold it together. Other times, its shattered beyond belief. And when it's great, it's perfect. I navigate through both rough and calm waters.
It's my life, as crazy as it is, and I love every minute of it
Women of God can never be like women of the world. The world has enough women who are tough; we need women who are tender. There are enough women who are coarse; we need women who are kind. There are enough women who are rude; we need women who are refined. We have enough women of fame and fortune; we need more women of faith. We have enough greed; we need more goodness. We have enough vanity; we need more virtue. We have enough popularity; we need more purity. Margaret D. Nadauld
One day at a time, right? It helps me to think that way when I feel overloaded with too much to do.
Pheeeew... that's an awful, awful lot to fit in ...lol
Glad you can juggle :)
so true don;t we all juggle a lot as woman.We are expected to do so much.
true portray of a mom's life ! loved it :)
You are a goddess, that's what you are. :)
Glad to see a fellow hockey fan. And Lundqvist is amazing in net. That being said, go Devils! :-) I've been a NJ fan since I was 14 years old, but live in Indiana (as I have my entire life).
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