Saturday, October 05, 2013

Everybody Talks

Recently, I attended an open house at the Sanctuary

which is bills itself as “your sacred place for mind, body and spirit”. Despite my interest in healing and new age practices, I was a little nervous to go. I wasn’t sure what to expect or what would happen to me, but I figured it was worth a whirl. They were doing mini-massages for free, so the only thing I had to lose was some stress and tension.


I had never heard of Body Talk before I went to this open house, and was a bit apprehensive when I laid down for my session. I have had reiki before, and it was somewhat similar to that, laying on a couch or table and having my energy fields moved. Angela, my practitioner, held my hand up and asked questions of my body to find imbalances (believe me, I live in this critter 24/7, there are a lot). However, her finding was that there are issues with my lymphatic system, and encouraged me to drink more water. (that is super practical advice, since soda and coffee are my preferred beverages of choice). Then she said something that was a bit of a shock. Angela also mentioned something about my spiritual path being the right one (I don’t recall the exact words, unfortunately).

 She also said there was something about dad coming through. She didn’t say father, she said dad. I asked her to explore it a bit further, and it was my dad-who actually was my stepfather and raised me. He and I very close and I was grief stricken by his death in 1996. I am going out on a limb and sounding new agey here, but all of my other deceased loved ones have appeared in my dreams at one point or another (along with many of those still living). Except for him, which I thought had to do with unresolved grief or something. When Angela mentioned that, it was like a dam had burst and I found myself sobbing uncontrollably.

I suppose it was like repressed grief and unresolved issues over his death were released. That felt freeing. I also felt like my tension levels lowered. 

Angela also advised me to keep drinking water, which I was surprised at my thirst level after the mini-session, which has since continued. The weird thing is the more water I drink, the less I crave my coca colas and diet dr. peppers. I felt completely tingly (in a good way) afterward and desperately needed a nap.

Following my mini-session, she gave a presentation about Body Talk, which seems like it’s a miracle cure for all that ails us. It seems too good to be true, but I am a living witness to feeling better immediately after a 10 minutes session. Angela did not know me or my story before hand, so there is no way she could have known anything about my dad or the fact that I am embarking a new spiritual path. One thing she mentioned at the end of my session was to tap out my cortices four times a day. I thought it a bit, um CRAZY, but again, I was willing to try.

I can tell the difference when I don’t. Maybe its mind over matter, maybe it’s the placebo effect. But I’m telling you this works. I even tried it on both the Big and Little Men, and for my son, after I did it the first two times was able to focus and complete a non-preferred task without delay (that’s autism speak for doing his homework without a meltdown). The Big Man wasn’t really into it, so I stopped halfway though, but I think I can convince him to try again some other time.

If you want to try tapping your cortices, I found these on a website, Its super easy and possibly, life changing.

Step 1) place one palm of hand at base of skull, (occipital lobe) above top of neck. Use finger tips of other hand to tap on top of head, alternating with tapping on sternum. Continue to hold back of head while tapping top of head and sternum for the count of two breaths in and out.


Step 2) Move hand that is at base of skull up one hand position (parietal lobe). Use finger tips of other hand to tap on top of head, alternating with tapping on sternum. Continue to hold back of head while tapping on top of head and sternum for the count of two breaths in and out.



Step 3) Move hand up one position on head (top of head). Follow directions as before, remembering to tap on top of head and sternum.


Step 4) Move hand up one more position on head. Your hand will now be at the front of your head (frontal lobe). Continue tapping top of head and sternum and breathing as before.




Step 5) Part 1 - Hold left hand on left side of brain. Hold right hand on right side of brain. Part 2 - Release hands from sides of head. Use your imagination/pretend to still hold sides of head. Use one hand/fingertips and tap on top of head, alternating with tapping on sternum. Continue to tap and visualize holding sides of head while tapping for two full breaths in and out.


Finish by tapping top of head and sternum.



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