Thursday, October 17, 2013

Let It Go

I’ve been told by lots of people, most notably my husband, that I am too nice for my own good. Like many women, I struggle with standing up for myself and putting myself first. I don’t want to be seen as a bee word, and on some level, want everyone to like me. As a result of not wanting to stir the pot and shake things up, I have held onto relationships for a lot longer than necessary. I also tend to attract a lot of negative people into my life. It might be that I am wanting to help them see how great life is on the positive side (revelation: it never works) and/or the fact that there are just a lot of folks out there that want to steal your sunshine.


I am working on letting go of all the weight in my life-physical, spiritual and emotional. Part of that includes letting go of the negative people who have been weighing me down. I am a big fan of ritual, and in this situation, ritual is the best way to let go. I don’t wish ill will on these folks-they are like this for a variety of reasons, mostly due to their life circumstances. Sometimes, they might not even know how they affect others, and that’s their road to walk.


For me, I need to walk a path of forgiveness and love.


One way I have found it easy to let go of the negative folks in my world, it is to do it with love. It may sound counter productive, but releasing them with love is a gift. I use meditation to say good bye, and it has worked wonders for me.


Sit comfortably. Breathe deeply. Visualize the person you want to release. Think/meditate on surrounding them in bright light.


Say: I bless you by wishing you health, happiness and prosperity now and always. I release you from my life with love and ask that you release me too. Thank you for all you have provided me and taught me. I release you with love in my heart.


Continue to visualize that person with light and love. In your minds eye, watch them walk away.


Even if these folks are people that you can’t physically rid from your life, after doing this you realize your relationship to them has experienced a paradigm shift. Its as if you don’t notice their negativity anymore. Its my opinion, when you “release” them, you are actually releasing yourself and realizing you don’t have to accept it.


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