Monday, April 22, 2013

Big Yellow Taxi

Today is Earth Day. It's a chance for us to celebrate our marvelous planet. It's also a chance to think about ways we can continue to support ways to sustain it. Reduce, reuse & recycle is a great tag line, but if you don't put it into play, then it doesn't really matter.

To celebrate earth day in our house, I was inspired by Skip to my Lou to create an earth day goodie jar for the little man. His included an angry birds hot wheels car, flower seeds, and a tie die kit. We've got lots of fun coming up with that!

We also are making egg carton caterpillars that I saw on Pinterest. We made these when he was little, but it's still a fun project as a tween. It's super simple too!

Egg carton
Paint or markers
Googly eyes
Pom poms
Pipe cleaners

Paint or color the egg cartons.
Glue Pom poms and googly eyes
Use pipe cleaners to make antennas

Right now, we are still snow covered. We can't exactly play in the dirt! I saw this sensory bin on Pinterest too. We're going to make it with rubber worms and hopefully chase the snowy blues away.

Then we're signing the earth day pledge.

How are you spending earth day?

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