Monday, April 22, 2013

Blueberry Hill

Last week my son's school had the Dakota Step tests. This time of year can be incredibly stressful for kiddos, especially those who are on the spectrum. Little Man can get really anxious over the fact that there are time limits, and the hoopla leading up to testing week. At home we try to help him prepare for them by ensuring he eats healthy and gets enough rest. We also make sure he has fun! That's equally important.

Anyone who knows me well knows that I'm quite the goofball and I love to have a great time as often as possible. That goes over into my parenting too. We sing silly songs, I tend to break out into spontaneous song & dance numbers (I've seen way too many musicals). I leave goofy notes in my son's lunch box and around the house. To help him feel less tense over testing, I used a few motivational tools. I saw this on Pinterest and knew this would be perfect:


You were 'mint' to succeed! (Mint).
Do your best Smartie Pants! (Smarties)
Don't be an Airhead! Ace the test! (Airhead)
You're a Starbust of knowledge! (Starburst)
Blow that test out of the water! (Bubble Gum or Blow Pop)

He-and his classmates-got a good giggle out of it.

I also made a healthy snack for his class-blueberry muffins.

2 c bisquick
1 container blueberry chobani yogurt
1 c milk
1 pint blueberries
1 eggs
1/8 c sugar

Preheat oven to 350. Mix ingredients and blend well. Pour into a greased muffin pan (I made mini muffins) and bake for 15-18 minutes.

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