Wednesday, July 04, 2012

The Sweetest Thing

There has been a lot of talk about the movie Magic Mike recently. Women, supposedly, are swooning over the cast and the plot. I'm really not into movies like that, so I don't plan on seeing it. However, the discussion about what women find attractive is quite interesting.
Deep down inside, I'm an old fashioned girl. I'm about the whole flag, mom, apple pie and unity of community. I believe that when you get married, it's for keeps. My devotion to Matthew 25:35-6 keeps me going

35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’

It's the cornerstone of my life. Service to others as well as a deep, abiding faith in addition to watching everyday miracles unfold are my pillars of character.
Everyone has a "type"-something that turns your head. Some folks like blondes or redheads; others find the cast of Magic Mike attractive. My type happens to be Italian body builders, best known as a Guido. These guys existed long before the Jersey Shore, And will continue long after that show transitions into oblivion.
Sure, there's something to be said about physical attractiveness, it's what catches your eye at first, but eye candy eventually loses its taste and leaves you hungry if there isn't anything more. As the poet John Donne stated:
Love built on beauty, soon as beauty, dies.
There are no buffers for me between attractiveness and character.
There is a trio of guys that rock my world, for a variety of reasons, and these are not short term dalliances, these are long term commitments.
The first guy on my list is Bono. People who know me know my unabashed giddiness over him, going back to Sunday Bloody Sunday and live at red rocks. I appreciated the fact that hid faith was an integral part of his life and songwriting. The song, 40, is an interpretation of Psalm 40. Other songs deal with social justice, peace and faith. He doesn't just sing about it-he lives it. The guiding forces behind both One ( and the RED campaign (to end the AIDS epidemic)Bono has been the catalyst to change the average rock fan's view on social justice. The other big thing is, in the world of 15 minute marriages (yeah you Kim kardashian) he's been with his wife for 37 years. You read that correctly. 37 years. That's something to applaud. He even wrote one of my favorite songs, The Sweetest Thing, for her as an apology for missing her birthday due to work (proceeds from the song benefited the Chernobyl Children's Fund).
Another "hottie" on my list is Jon Bon Jovi. He's been with his missus for 35 years, and raised 4 kids. In addition to being a family man, he has quietly been involved in community outreach for years. A long time supporter of Habitat for Humanity and Project Home, he has personally funded building projects in Newark, Camden and Trenton NJ. In addition, he also funded low income health clinics in inner city NJ locations, and has innovated programs to end hunger and food insecurity in NJ.
However, my favorite guy is the BigMan himself. We have been together for the better part of 19 years, and married for almost 10. In that time, he supported me through my dad's cancer diagnosis, treatment and subsequent death; my grandmother's slow decline, and the stroke that finally took her as well as lots of other stops on the journey. As time has gone on, he has become an amazing father, where it keeps getting better and better.
Who are your sweetest things?


Laurie Kolp said...

I like Bono, too...

Ellecee said...

To each their own,,,,,good write,,,,

Scribbler said...

I loved what you said, "There are no buffers for me between attractiveness and character." You can't truly have one without the other!

Anonymous said...

Good read! I also wrote about why I won't be seeing Magic Mike. It's great that you're focused on your hubby - that's so important. :) Lauren,

Sheilagh Lee said...

I tend to like stars that are devoted to their families and wives.Like Tom Selleck,and Pierce Brosnan,
My husband is my best friend and I am his. He is my rock and I value his loyalty, honesty, generosity and the way he puts his kids first.I am very lucky.