Monday, January 28, 2013

Music Monday: Meat Loaf

I have a confession to make: I am probably one of Meat Loaf’s biggest fans. I have almost all his albums, and I’ve been known to belt out his songs when I am alone in the car.

I was about 7 when the original Bat Out of Hell was released, and Paradise by the Dashboard Light

dominated the radio. As I got older, I appreciated the word play with the song titles.

You Took the Words Out of my Mouth

2 out of 3 ain't bad

Heaven Can Wait

For Crying Out Load

When I was a teenager, my friends and I used to go to the midnight showings of the Rocky Horror Pictures Show. It was especially scandalous at the Blue Mouse in Salt Lake City, for obvious reasons. Meat Loaf played one of the main characters, Eddie, and sang my favorite song in the whole movie-Hot Patootie, Bless My Soul.

I was in my early 20’s when Meat Loaf finally released the long awaited sequel, Bat out of Hell 2, which featured his most radio friendly hit, I’d Do Anything for Love.

I’ve had the pleasure of seeing him in concert several times, and he always puts on amazing show. He is truly a showman, and the concerts don’t disappoint. They are always an epic length, and end with a 20 minute version of Paradise by the Dashboard Light.

He's a cheesy, over the top guilty pleasure.

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