Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Do it With a Rock Star

A few weeks ago, I had the chance to attend a fundraiser for the Brennan Rock & Roll Academy (read about it here: I needed a killer outfit that had a bit of an edge. Something rock and roll. Something (gasp) edgy.

It was time to raise the bar.

I'm not an edgy fashionista, by a long shot. I wear the same colors, the same basic style day in and day out. I'm more Shabby Apple ( than Hot Topic ( I'm a wife and mom, and I think practical fashion. I won't grieve for my lost teenage taste.
However, I'm not one to bask in the glory of mom jeans.
Hey, they're comfy...

I do get dressed up for work every day, but I'm in a conservative field, so my clothing choices reflect that.

I did find an awesome black and white dress with kimono style sleeves that can be for a fun, rocking night out AND would be great for work too. It's a refashionista item that I swear jumped off the rack at me.

I haven't been able to wear heels (boo hiss) since I broke my leg last summer, so I'm in flats, and when you're at a standing room only event it's a good thing.

I found red jeggings on clearance at Target for $1.50. Seriously, I had to have them! They took the place of tights and added a great pop of color.

Add some curly teased hair and I was ready to be a rocking out momma.


Anonymous said...

You ROCKED that outfit. Good for you! I hope you turned a lot of heads.

Sheilagh Lee said...

You look fabulous

MamaRabia said...

I *love* black and red together! Great combo!
Visiting from SITS-Hope you have a great weekend!!

Unknown said...

I love that outfit : ). I want to find jeggings for $1.50 now too! I hope you had a fun time at your event.

Anonymous said...

I love the red leggings! What a great outfit!