Sunday, February 27, 2011

New Soul

It's Sunday, and depending on how you look at it either a new week is starting or an old week is ending.

This upcoming week I'm adding some new stuff to the mix. The last time I was this small, I was in my late 20's, and I was a gym rat. Back then I would go to the gym on my way to work in the morning do Cardio, and do weights. After work, I'd go back & do a class. Then it would be going on with the rest of my life.

So, I don't belong to a gym anymore, but I do workout the same in the morning.

I miss mixing it up in a class. I like doing different things to move more. Different classes offer different things

I like kickboxing. It helps get some of my stress out. It makes me move in different ways, and it helps me increase my flexibility & reaction time.

A former coworker was into belly dancing & convinced me to take a class with her at the Y. I got hooked. With humpy I couldn't because it actually hurt. Now I can again. It allows me to try different movements and have a better connection with my body.

I love to dance. Anyone who knew me up until my 30's would have known that I danced my way through life. I would come home after the gym & put the stereo on & dance my way through cooking dinner.

I was in perpetuatal motion. I embodied Newton's law.

I took different aerobics classes, and it helped me move differently. I did Latin samba, line dancing, disco step. The names have changed in the last

12 or so years, but the essence remains the same. It means I move differently & build different types of strength & endurance.

I've seen small changes over the last 3 months since surgery. The most profound change for me has been mental. I had a complete paradigm shift from one extreme to the other.

Dec 7 was a day of rebirth. I am truly a new soul.

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