Thursday, March 10, 2011

No way out

Over the years, I've looked for a quick fix for a lot of things-everything from good grades to losing weight. Now that I'm a parent, I realize there isn't any easy way out.

As my son gets older, there are higher levels of need, and I am rising to the challenge. He's more than halfway through second grade, and we are looking at the backside of it. The downside is spring fever/winter fatigue is setting in. Not wanting to do homework. Not wanting to practice spelling. And the big one: exerting independence.

Guess he's growing up!

For me,.theres a certain level of frustration because for the last week or so, things have been out of whack in our home. The big man has been exhausted and recovering from bronchitis. Ive been working out again, both in the morning and a little bit of dance in the evening. This means scrambling at night to get all done that needs to be done.

So, when there is a bit of a hiccup.or resistantance, I just don't force the issue. Ok, so we don't have to do any extra work in your workbook. We don't have to clean up before bed. I'm sacking off on my cleaning a room a day plan.

I'm just tired after dinner.

But its ok,  because school work isnt suffering. We've had fun playing. It's all good

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