Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Month of May

I lead a busy life, but that doesn't give me a free pass to leave my house looking like a slob. I know sweats are comfy, but they also scream out the message, "I give up on how I look!" Ladies: this is not the message you want to send to your family.

photo courtesy eafromtheheart.blogspot.com
I know, I've been there. I went through a very dark phase in my life where anything other than sweats was a challenge.

from google images, no link back
Sweats at home, fine. Sweats in the car pool lane, not so much. Sweats running errands-no. Sweats cleaning your house, yes. Sweats at a restaurant, no. Sweats working out yes. Sweats as a fashion choice, h-e-double hockey sticks no.
It is possible to be a fashionable mommy.
I challenge you. 30 days, 30 outfits. No mercy.
Are you ready?

note: this video is the Arcade Fire, performing at this year's Grammys. Amazing performance. Love, love LOVE this band!

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