Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Morning lullabies

I am quite envious of parents who say that their mornings are peaceful and calm.
My life is chaotic, at best.
I am dragging my son out of bed, yelling at him to get up, eat breakfast, brush teeth, etc. etc. etc. Not to mention, me trying desperately trying to get myself up and out. I try to look put together, but for the most part I am thrown all out of sorts.
I did not envision motherhood to be like this.
I was expecting my morning to be a breeze, that I would get done all I wanted and needed to.
I thought we would sit together at the table, and eat breakfast as a family.
I thought it was would be calm and glorious.
Its not.
I am a screaming banshee.
I try hard to not to be, honest I do.
But it happens.
The sad thing is the alarm goes off at 445. Whether or not I actually get out of bed is a different story. The plan is for me to go downstairs, do a little laundry, work out. Come upstairs take my shower and do my daily cleaning. Hey, I might even get dinner prepped!
Reality is, I roll out of bed, eventually. I then chug copious amounts of coffee. Eventually I go downstairs but its about 45 minutes or so since the alarm originially rang, so it limits my time working out. I exercise, half heartedly.
I then dork around some more, so I don't take my shower on time. Then I run out of time for cleaning. I don't get dressed in a timely manner.
Then there is the matter of the small child/morning monster. He does not want to get out of bed, so I use begging, pleading, cajoling, blackmail and bribery (not necessarily in that order). If we are lucky, he will get out of bed and eat his breakfast in the kitchen. Somedays, we are multitasking that.
I scream, I cry. I carry on.
We are literally running out of the house most days, because we are so late.
I am exhausted by the time I get to work, and then its a struggle to stay focused.
So, I keep trying to make it better. Honest I do.
The Little Man is growing up so fast. I feel I am missing out on so much, with this dischord.
I so desperately want those morning lullabies before its too late.

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