Monday, December 26, 2011

Boxing Day

The day after Christmas is called Boxing Day, with traditions going back to the Middle Ages. Churches would open their alms boxes and distribute it to the poor. In Victorian times, the servants had the day after Christmas off, and would be allowed to take home the leftovers in boxes, with the day off.
It has nothing to do with fighting or in the ring.
For many folks, Boxing Day is an opportunity to do a service project together as a family. There are many little ones you can do in a day, that don't require any skills or advance prep.

Bring a tray of cookies to the local firehouse or police station.
Bring a bowl of apples and bottles of water to the ER, ICU or NICU waiting rooms. It's no fun being sick.
Take last years toys that are no longer played with (not broken) and bring to the homeless or domestic violence center.
Bring a meal to those staying at the Ronald McDonald house.
Donate blood.
Donate pet food to your local shelter.
Recycle wrapping paper and make cards for the local nursing home
Bring cookies to the nursing home
Many larger cities have homeless drop in centers-if your town does, see if they need help with clients laundry or someone to read to clients children.

There are so many different ways to continue spreading the joy this season.

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