Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Miles & miles

The little man was born premature. I could point to a gazillion reasons why, but I wasn't his mommy then. I do know that it was because of the excellent care he received in the NICU that he hasn't had any lasting effects of a traumatic birth.
Shortly after I found out he was a NICU graduate, I decided to give back and pay it forward. I had already supported the March of Dimes, but I started volunteering with them. I currently serve on the CNAC (chapter NICU advisory committee) for the NICU that took care of my son. It's a partnership between families and the staff to help improve the experience. I am proud of my involvement, and wish I could do more!
One thing that the Little Man & I are doing together is walking in the March for Babies on April 28th. If you are in Sioux Falls, come out to the Empire Mall that morning and cheer us on. If you are somewhere else, check out your local chapter for their walk info. Contact your NICU to see if they accept hat and blanket donations. Volunteer to rock babies. Donate.
Help babies!


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