Monday, April 06, 2015

Love is all you Need

 Yoga has gone totally mainstream over the last decade or so. When I began practicing in the 1980’s, it was down, dirty and counterculture (all of which appealed to the rebel in me). I learned very quickly that yoga was much more than what happened on the mat. The eight limbs (or ashtang) are part of yogi c philosophy that provide a pretty great framework for living. Much of this is lost in today’s yoga classes, which focus on asana-or the poses.  I have made a conscious choice since I started practicing to use the ashtang as my personal philosophy on one level or another. In the last year or so, it all really clicked for me and its completely rocked my world.


Ahimsa or non-violence is defined as Abstinence from injury that arises out of love for all, harmlessness, the not causing of pain to any living creature in thought, word, or deed at any time. In my life, this means I have made a conscious choice to not consume products that are tested on animals. I have chosen to follow a plant based diet. I choose my words carefully. I look for the good in people. I volunteer with groups promoting love. I have made a choice to limit my environmental impact by adopting a green lifestyle.  I also have spent much of my adult life promoting peace. I am a hippie at heart, and I think finding common ground and working to eliminate violence should be our goal as humans. I won’t get on my soapbox, but as my son grows up, I want him to live in a world without war, hatred, bigotry and prejuidice.

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