Friday, February 25, 2011

Ball & Biscuit

I weighed myself yesterday.morning. before surgery, it was a chore I dreaded. Today, not so much. Since surgery, get this, I've lost a whopping 51 lbs.

I repeat, 51 pounds.

That's almost my son. I had been carrying 5 bowling balls around on me for who knows how long. Actually, a very long time, over 10 years.

My boss yesterday. She told me that I was looking great. That meant a lot.

Right now I'm loving the

I'm enjoying feeling pretty again. I will admit I didn't feel pretty being heavier.

51 pounds.

Dang, that's huge. I was huge.

I had been asked by a coworker how I'm doing it. The first 30 lbs was rather easy-surgery did it. Losing Humpy jump started it all. I wouldn't recommend having the issues I had, but it was the kick in the butt I obviously needed.

Since then, I turned my eating upside down. I started with healthier choices-I eliminated high fructose corn syrup. I stopped eating fast food. I added a lot more fruits & veggies, to the point that meat is an extra not the centerpiece.

My family, apparently, is ready to rebel like they are in northern Africa.

Ive got them raiding the pantry. Some are whining they are hungry, when there is an array of food in front of them...just not junk.

Add to it I'm really serious about working out again. Mainly because I am able to see results. I can see progress.

I feel strong & empowered. All by losing 51 lbs. Imagine what I'm going to be like when I hit my goal weight!


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