Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Frankly, Mr. Shankly

For all of you out there that came of age in the 80's, the Smiths were a truly marvelous band, and you either got them, or you didn't. They were part of the 2nd British invasion, and were a bit intellectual, effete & morose. The lead singer, Morrisey, and I are birthday twins. So I guess I feel.a certain connection to him. Back in the day, I had a huge teenage girl crush on pre-Joshua Tree Bono from U2, and Dave Gahan from Depeche Mode, long before he got all tatted up and became a heroin addict. Morrisey was your ambiguous best friend. Harmless, and fun to go shopping with.

What I learned from that era was 1. Social consciousness, thanks to Band Aid.2. Vegetarianism from Morrisey 3. Bad fashion sense from the Thompson twins & cyndi lauper.

So, fast forward 25 or so years, and the vegetarian thing has kinda stuck. Over the years, I've gone back & forth, but for whatever reason, wound up.eating meat (bacon usually is involved)again. For the last 8 or so years, its because the thought of cooking 3 separate meals.for my family has been a daunting task. Heck, getting one meal on the table has been a daunting task some nights.

Our son is a vegetarian.

Yesterday, the big man decided to take the veg pledge and give it a go for a week.


Prayer has been answered.

So, yesterday we started.

So far, so good.

It does mean I have to redo the menu for this week, which I will gladly do, to make this a reality.

It's so worth it.

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