Sunday, February 20, 2011

If It Makes You Happy

I am a yoga fanatic, I have been for over 25 years. Now that I don't have Humpy in my way, I can get into some more intense asanas and actually be able to pratice the way I always had intended to.
I can totallly relate to Claire on some levels. And she is extremely relatable. Reading this book was like having coffee with a good friend. I am not one to go out and buy books (I guess I am one of myriad of reasons Borders filed for bankruptcy) but this one I think is a keeper.

If you didn't catch their amazing performance on the Grammy's with Bob Dylan (headbanging banjo players-yes please!)check it out on either the grammy page or you tube.
There is a bit of a bluegrass revival going on, much like the alt-country revival a few years back (thank you for Wilco and Ryan Adams). Mumford & Sons is one of the leading lights in this movement, along with the Avett Brothers. Little Man loves the song, Little Lion Man as well as the Cave. That alone should sell albums.

The title track is heartbreakingly beautiful, and I highly recommend it. They also did an amazing job with their performance on the Grammys with Mumford & Sons and the living legend, Bob Dylan. The Avetts are more traditional bluegrass than Mumford, and are terrific songwriters, which ties in together nicely.

I would have much rather preferred to see the Black Keys perform at the Super Bowl than the Black Eye Peas. If you listen to this album, you may very well agree with me.

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