Friday, March 18, 2011

Gimme some truth

Buddhism has its 8 noble truths for a happy life and I have mine.

Granted, mine aren't going to start a major world religion, but they have changed my life.

1."date nights" with my son. Total time together, no agenda, doing something fun. Errands & grocery shopping don't count.

2. Eat better & more consciously. I started to really think about my diet, and how what I eat affects the rest of my life. Garbage in, garbage out. Since I became a food radical, I know I.feel better. I can't speak for the rest of my family but I know I have more energy & gee, look how I'm losing weight!

3. Daily cleaning keeps your sanity. I take a few minutes everyday & do a quick once over the house. I swish & swipe the bathrooms, swifter the floors & feather dust. It takes 10 minutes & makes a huge difference.

4. Move. Simple as that, move. Get up & dance. Walk. Stretch. Just add to what you normally do.

That's the first half. More to come tomorrow!

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