Monday, March 07, 2011

To the Limit

The other morning my son told me he was proud of me for working out. It's a struggle some mornings, getting up, getting dressed & getting on the treadmill, either doing a weight workout or pilates and my yoga morning blast. Most mornings its 30-45 minutes of absolute me time.

I need that.

Honestly, it makes me a better mom. Seriously. How mad can you get when you get that endorphin rush going? It helps me release pent up energy. In a lot of ways I lack control over my life. I can't control what happens in school. I can't control other people's response to me. I can't control traffic. I can control how I deal.

I run.

I lift.

I dance.

I stretch.

For those who didn't know me back in the day, this side of me is something new, and may even be shocking. I tried to do all of this, but it was hard because of humpy.

Little man wants to run in the lepruchan fun run with me on the 26th, which inspires me. He wants to be healthy.

My main goal of life coaching has been to lead a healthy lifestyle, and to inspire my family to do the same. I am thinking that we may be meeting that goal.

Meatless Monday: leftovers for breakfast & lunch (waffles, Tex mex black bean quinoa burritos); snacks apples in yogurt peanut butter sauce & an orange. Dinner: jambalaya!

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