Thursday, April 28, 2011

Fine again

Watch "Liz Phair - Fine Again - 2005" on YouTube
It's been a week. I admit it. I've been a total slacker. And boy, have I been bad.
And it continues this morning with my cherry poptarts.
I have been eating a lot. And stuff that's not good for me either. It's been fast food. Candy. Poptarts. Soda.
Bad bad bad.
Couple that with not working out....
It's a perfect storm of badness.
What went wrong?
Honestly, I reach a certain point with being healthy & it all falls apart. I start picking at things & people. There's a real layer of discomfort in my life.
It all goes back to feeling I don't deserve my happily ever after.
I have it all: good health, I'm not bad looking, great husband, great kid, nice home, good job, I've got it all.
Yet I don't feel I deserve it.
Bottom line.
It's like I have happiness & then I look for something muck it up. It's been my modus operandi for years, and quite frankly, I'm tired of it all.
I plan but never execute.
In order to follow my bliss, I need to make a radical change in order to be fine again.

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