Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Last resort

I will admit that I've been struggling a lot lately. My biggest issue, quite frankly, is me. I'm very much in my own head & its causing a huge issue for me.
I'm at a weight loss plateau. I'm not really gaining or losing. Ive got a bit of a pooch going on in my belly & I'm very self conscious of it.
A lot of just plain out tiredness in my house. Being physically tired. Emotionally spent. If a parent of a child with specialized needs ever tells you they are not drained at all, they are lying. Even though my son doesnt require additional assistance really, there are other behaviors that drain me.
He's currently obsessed with angry birds. Yes the game is addictive, but autism brings it to the next level. Especially at bedtime.
And theres this pesky nuisance called school. You know, this interrupts our play time, and we are really quite done with second grade.
So its a struggle most mornings to get up & out the door. I'm exhausted by the time I get to work, which just adds to stress, etc.
So...I need a change of perspective. I can't wave a magic wand & make all the tension & stress go away. I need to tecaliberate life.
Listing my goals, etc. Doesn't work in my life. Basically, I'm on my own with things. The big man is ready for bed by the time I get home from work, so anything I get from him is a bonus. I'm tired too, and sometimes I need to veg out. I may not have a physically demanding job, but there's a lot of mental, and some days emotional, stress & overusage between both my jobs....and at the end of the day I am still a wife & mother. Someone needs to scrub the toilets & put the laundry away.
So, I either go with it or step away.
I don't plan on going anywhere, so its option A.


Laurie Kolp said...

Bless you for the cross you must bear. Thanks for sharing your feelings and emotions... they are less powerful once you get them out. I know you will help many people b/c of your honesty and frankness.


Unknown said...

I feel great sorrow for you. If this helps, my own life experience tells me that we sometimes have long, deep valleys; but the peaks, the better days, do return. Blessings!

Sheilagh Lee said...

Sometimes life overwhelms us the daily challenges and because you are looking after child with special needs.We all need time jsut for us.You need someone to give you a day just for do what ever you want.I hope you can find someone to do that for you.