Friday, April 22, 2011

Were you there?

Today is Good Friday. In my faith, it is the day Jesus was crucified. There is an old spiritual that tells the story beautifully, simply, sublimly, directly. I think it needs to be mandatory for all church services to play this hymn.
"Were you there when they crucified my Lord"
No, not in its entirety, but in principle. We add insult to the crucifixition when we refuse to submit to carrying our own crosses. I know I do.
I have struggled with my faith lately, and I know I'm not the only person out there who has. Peter, who was a committed disciple, denied Christ 3 times on that terrible night.
There have been many times I have done the same. In fact, I had a Twitter discussion about listening to Christian music. Basically, it was a question of how could I, as a punk rock girl, reconcile that with being a Christian.
The answer was pretty easy: Jesus is the ultimate rebel.
Knowing that, it makes following my faith a lot easier.
I'm Episcopalian, which could also be known as the church of hipsters. Bono is a member, so are the royal family. Robin Williams is as well. We are a church of inclusion: one of the first "mainline denominations" to ordain women; to bless same sex unions; to counsel women post abortions without judgements. I have never less than when I was single or childless. I was included in all aspects of church life.
As we say during communion, all are welcome at the table. After all, Jesus ate with tax collectors and prostitutes. It's ok to be different & fit in.

So, being a Christian could be seen as the ultimate act of rebellion.

What is your rebellious act?
"sometimes it causes me to tremble"

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