Saturday, May 21, 2011

Just Breathe (Again)

Despite my love of yoga, I struggle with the concept of meditation. Usually, my brain is running at a million miles an hour, and I have a hard time shutting it down. Its hard for me to concentrate on a word and clear my mind unless I am really into it.

Some days, I can do it. Other times, I can barely focus on my name let alone anything else. I try, and try and try.

I've walked a labyrinth, which was soothing. The problem is finding one in Sioux Falls.

I try to pray the rosary, and for a while I was doing it in the car. That is, until I accidentally deleted the podcast from itunes, and could never find the same one again. When I pray it on my own, I tend to lose focus, and it’s a struggle to make it all the way through.

I've tried using a mandala to focus, with fair to middling success.

In Buddhism, its is thought when one has a blockage like this it is an area to focus on. Obviously my lack of focus is something I need to focus on.

Way back when, I used to walk the puppy dog (long, long walks in the woods) I would zone out and meditate without even realize it. But, also back then, I wasn’t being pulled into a gazillion different directions.

So, I just need to find my center and stop making excuses.

I need to just breathe.

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