Monday, February 20, 2012

New Moon on Monday

Its President's Day, and I an off today with the boys. I don't really have an agenda, a few ideas-workout, organize some storage containers, work on blankets for the Humane Society, do laundry, tidy up the house. Little Man has a dentist appointment today, but that's it for planned events.
It's nice to not have an agenda, because for the most part I'm chained to my calendar. I've had quite a few people ask me how I juggle a full time job, a part time job, teaching both vegan cooking and yoga, writing, training for a 5k, maintaining a home, being a mom & wife, community involvement and crafting.
How do I do it all? Time management.
For one thing, I've cut out of my life people and things that don't bring me joy and support my goal of finding bliss in my life.
I made a painful realization that I had allowed basically haters into my life. For the most part, I spent so much time and energy trying to win these folks over. Basically, I was a footnote buried in their dissertation.
I know that I am a fantabulous person; I've been called a role model and a mentor. I will never be like anyone else in the world. By trying to be someone else to get others to like me is being disingenuous. If you don't like me for me, then you have no room in my life. You wont like me anymore than currently if I lost weight, became holly homemaker or did anything else that others want for me. By getting rid of that negativity has freed up all sorts of energy to do other things.
Part of time management involves precision planning. I plan my life and my son's life, our clothes and breakfasts and lunches.
Another part of it includes routine. Every morning I:
Clean up the kitchen
Feather dust
Make beds
Do a load of laundry
Swish & swipe bathrooms
Swifter the floor
It helps me keep my sanity. I may not clean the house like how others do, but then again they don't clean the house like I do.
Working out is the glue to keep this all together. It preserves my sanity. It gives me energy. The stronger I get physically, the stronger I get over all.
It helps me reorder priorities.
I work hard so I can play hard.
I play hard so I can keep up with my son.
And it's all good.

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