Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Scarborough Fair

Most people have a body part that if they are going to get injured, it’s that one part. For my son, he seems to always bonk his head. Me, on the other hand, have a very long history of freaky occurrences causing me to sprain my right ankle. I’ve tripped over my cat, I have stepped in a gopher hole, and I have stepped down funny on something on the garage floor. The last one is my most recent incident, and man it was a doozy. My ankle swelled right away and it really hurt.

I iced it and kept it propped up at work all day, but the swelling was still there by the time I got home that evening. I had a very busy week and no time for an achy, swollen ankle. I needed fast relief.


Enter the herbal poultice.

 Note: not my ankle. It's some random dude's, thanks to google images 

It’s a herbal remedy that helps with swelling and reduces inflammation, all without taking medication. I am trying to limit the amount of NSAID’s that I use, due to having an issue with rebound headaches (years of chronic migraines and severe cramps have done me in), so I am always on the lookout for a herbal remedy that will work.


You need:

1 cabbage leaf

1 small potato




Grate the potato. Chop the herbs and mix with the potato. Put the mixture on the injured spot. Wrap with cabbage leaf. Cover with gauze and tape down. Leave on for 6-8 hours. [note: I put a sock on and wear it to bed] Repeat if necessary

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