Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Earache in my Eye

There is nothing worse than getting an ear infection in the spring or summer. I recently had a miserable cold that morphed into a sinus infection. Worst of all, at 915 PM (after urgent care had already closed),I developed a horrible earache. I knew it was the harbinger of an ear infection.

I am allergic to pencillin, levaquin & sulfa, so I'm not one to run out and request antibiotics. Before we had Z-packs, we had "old wives" remedies. The funny thing is, despite how technologically advanced we are, these treatments work better, quicker and with fewer side effects.

(Please note that I'm not saying antibiotics or modern medicine aren't important. They don't work on viral infections, and colds are viruses.)

One of the folk remedies for ear aches is garlic oil. I keep a jar in my pantry. What can I say-I love pasta alla oglio!

It's really simple-garlic cloves, sliced, infused into olive oil for at least 30 minutes. Strain the oil, drop it into the ear canal, let sit for 20-30 minutes. Blot away excess.

By the next morning, no more earache.

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