Sunday, November 14, 2010

I Can't See New York

The holiday season is upon us. I am trying to not let insanity reign either. I tend to get wrapped up in the trappings of attempting perfection, usually failing miserably.

Honestly, the great thing about having surgery in December is the fact that I can say no to.most holiday insanity. No parties, no extra baking for bake sales. No bs to be wrapped up in. Just a chance to spend time with my family, and to heal.

The holidays make me think of NYC. When I was a little girl, I got a trip to see the Christmas tree at the Met, a fao Schwartz, hot chocolate at serendipity & ice skating at Rockefeller plaza. It was always a magical day that I looked forward to every year.

As an adult, I always looked forward to the st.Nicholas bazaar at my church and all the fun stuff that went along with it: the wreath making, the gingerbread houses, the preview party. Then there was the Messiah sing along at the university chapel that was a lot of fun.

I want that for the little man-that he has a tradition he looks forward too.

This year, I don't have to do anything. I can focus on my family and the reason for the season. No insanity.

I also look forward to remaking my life. I have an opportunity to take a re do in everything.

For one thing, I get a new wardrobe. That in itself is exciting. I've been stuck for 9 years now wearing things over humpy & hide him. Not exactly stuff that's stylish. Instead I've been stuck in a lot.of ugly clothes. However, I will have more options soon.

And to ensure I continue to fit into those new clothes, I need to really pay attention to what I eat and how much I move.

And I can learn to say no.

That's the big one for me. I can re evaluate the insanity that is my life and how to deal with it and make time for my family. That's the real beauty of the holiday season-not the other craziness that ensues.

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